So it has been a little while since I last blogged but I have been crazy busy! Currently I am planning the boy's first birthday. I seriously cannot believe they are going to be one! I know it sounds cliche and all of that but they are growing up too fast. I don't know where the time has gone already! It really is bittersweet. Of course, I am happy that they are growing up. That is what they are supposed to do. Everyday, new doors are opened and they can DO more than they could the day before. Daniel's new "thing" is to say mmmmamammmaaammmaa constantly. It is so cute and I L-O-V-E IT! Knock on wood but Joshua has slept REALLY well the last few nights. He goes down at 8:00 p.m. and wakes up around 7:00 a.m. It's wonderful! They both are amazing "sitters" and Joshua is SO close to crawling. I wouldn't be surprised if he did start crawling before their birthday. The bittersweet part of them growing up is that pretty soon, in the blink of an eye, they will be going off to pre-school, then Kindergarten, then graduating Jr. High, and then High School. I am sure every parent goes through this but being a new mom, it's new to me. In many ways I wish I could hit pause just for a little bit and enjoy them a little longer. But as they would say, Such is Life. I can hear my mother's voice in my head, God gives us our children on loan. We have them for a short time and then they are off to live their lives. It is such a strange feeling/emotion, sad and happy all at the same time.
On a slightly other note, the boy's dedication is this weekend. I am very excited and can't wait! We will be spending the day with a few of our family members and a couple of friends. It is supposed to rain but don't they say that rain is good luck?!? Or is that just for weddings? Anyway, it should be a great day!
I am over 50% done on Candace's birthday surprise. It's coming out really pretty. I can't wait to post pics of the final project and said person wearing it. :)
what a sweet photo!